What if you used the same criteria in choosing a mate as you did in picking a computer? What would happen? What would he (or she) be like? This thought occurred to me last week while working at a video shoot for a client. As I glanced around the room dominated mostly by Macs, though a few PCs were present as well, I wondered if those computers were men which type would be more attractive to me. It can easily be argued that this line of thinking is completely absurd, shallow even, but that's not the point.
As I pondered this idea and stared into my own Mac's screen I thought about the reasons I like my computer and why I chose it over a PC. To me my Mac embodies creativity, simplicity and individuality. It's sleek, hip, easy to use and even virus free. My Mac's not cheap yet it's worth the investment, it has a sense of humor and it's not bad looking to boot. These are all qualities I value, so why not look for them in a man, too?
I think the point is really understanding what you want, whether you're looking for a computer or a date. I found this really awesome computer at Best Buy for a great price but it didn't have the right software capabilities so I decided to pass up the deal and keep looking. I think a similar thought process is relevant in relationships. Once you have identified a deal breaker it's time to move on. That IS the point of dating, otherwise we would all marry the first person we ever hit it off with or were attracted to --can you imagine?
Who knows maybe my next boyfriend will be more of a PC then a Mac, I'm open minded, as long as the above qualities are part of his hard drive. So, how about you -- Mac or PC?
Great Blog Megan.