Thursday, September 24, 2009

That Couple

Come on. . .you know who I'm talking about, right? It's the couple that make googly eyes at each other and call each other "honey bunny" or "schnookum." They're the couple that are so sweet they make your teeth hurt just looking at 'em. As someone not much into PDA, I always thought, yuck -- I never wanted to be that couple. Maybe my mind is starting to change because I'm single and now have a little more experience under my belt (or maybe that's the loneliness kicking in), but now I wonder would it really be so bad to be that couple. Do we really find that couple so disgusting or is it the ugly green monster of jealousy rearing it's creepy little head? If you have ever been in love you know what it feels like to be feel twitter patted and goose-bumpy, even if you don't wear your ooey-gooeyness on the outside for everyone to see. So, for those feelings to be so intense you just can't help but let them boil over, is it really the worst case scenario to be in the presence of that couple (in the most innocent of cases, of course, there is a line after all) -- especially if you ARE that couple and you don't have to watch it from afar.

I think there is another couple that would be much worse to be than the nauseating duo depicted above. You've probably witnessed this couple from time to time eating out together but not even muttering a word in the others direction. It's not just the silence between the two, it's the deadness in their eyes, as if the river of love has run dry. They both stare off into the distance, more interested in the other people in the restaurant then the one sitting only an arm's reach away. This to me is more heartbreaking than the latter.

Which would you pick?

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