It seems like I have been anxiously anticipating the Warrior Dash at Copper Mountain for so long and now it's over. I went, I ran (sort of) and I conquered (I place finishing in this bold category). In short it was an awesome weekend, but that was to be expected. I mean can you really travel to 12,000 feet above sea level to slop through mud and jump over fire and complete the experience without calling it such? Ok, maybe participating in the Warrior Dash isn't for everyone, but attending the celebration definitely is. For the people watchers there were people dressed in costumes from Avatar to Oompa Loompas and everything in between. For the foodies every restaurant at the resort was pumping out delicious food and there were even turkey legs for the true warriors and great beer to wash it all down. And if you got bored watching people throw themselves over fire or dive through mud pits you could watch the band and make new friends. If this doesn't sound like a good time then I really need to reassess my life! But seriously, one of the best parts was that I got to waddle my way through the obstacles with some great friends and my family was on the sidelines every step of the way cheering us on. (And, I can't minimize the long-distance love and support from my boyfriend. His pride for me is amazing and makes me feel so special. Cheesy? Yes. True? Absolutely.)
Not only was this a great day to share with friends and family it was also a chance to prove my inner voice wrong. You know the one (especially if you have ever ran for any length of time at all -- the one that laughs and tells you there's no way you can do this.) As I ran towards the finish line I kept thinking to myself, "if only the third grade version of myself could see me know, how proud she would be." Participating in this freed a little piece of me that I didn't even realize was captured.
Thank you to everyone who encouraged me, cheered for me, ran with me, laughed with me or simply thought happy thoughts for me.
So, now the question is, what's next?
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