What I lack in sisters, I have surely made up in girlfriends. They are the spice of my life. This weekend one of my friends flew in from North Carolina to attend another friends wedding. I was chosen to be her companion for the weekend and couldn't be happier about the task. I picked her up from the airport Friday morning and we spent the majority of the time giggling at each other and having an overall grand time! Whether we were laying by the pool soaking in the 110 degree heat of Las Vegas or stuck in 5 p.m. Friday traffic, it is a guarantee one of us was talking a million words a minute and the other was laughing. I don't know what I would do without her friendship. The test of a true friend is if you can pick up where you left off no matter how much time has passed since you last spoke or saw one another. This particular friendship definitely passed the test of time.
This much needed girl time reminded me just how important friendship is in general, but especially girlfriends. So often you hear women say they just don't get along with other women, but I believe these friendships are vital to a full happy life. There are some things you just can't share with a boyfriend/husband/guy friend, and I am sure they would agree some of the things we share amongst each other they would rather not know! I enjoy the deep talks as much as the goofy uncontrollable laughter and wouldn't be sane or happy without the amazing women in my life.
I was sad to say goodbye to my friend last night but it was a truly amazing (much needed) weekend -- especially because we had the chance to celebrate the marriage of another friend. Hopefully we don't wait another five years to reunite, but I know even if we do I will still have an amazing friend on my side.
I couldn't agree more... friends are definitely family by choice!!!! Life would be a very sad place without our girlfriends!!! Great article, Megan!