Last night I set my alarm with the intention of waking up to go to the gym at 5 a.m. Unfortunately, sleeping in my nice comfy bed seemed too enticing and I clicked snooze until about 6:45. And when I finally woke up, I felt like I had let myself down (not too mention all my Facebook friends because I mentioned it as my status the night before and received many encouraging responses). In reaction I planned to make up for my slacking ways after work with a nice hard workout. I went to the gym and was intentional with my workout. In fact, I may have worked harder tonight than I have this year. I didn't just go to the gym because it was a part of my routine, I went there with a percise result in mind and dug my heels in until I reached my goal.
It was while running around the indoor track at Las Vegas Athletic Club that it occured to me, what if I did every action in my life intentionally? I think there is a difference between the "best intentions" and living "intentionally." What would this look like? It would mean that every activity in my life would bring me a little bit closer to a specific goal. For example, if I am going to the gym but am only going purely out of routine, should I even be there at all? There is something to be said for setting a schedule to create good habits, but if the effort is not beneficial in reaching the expected result than it becomes a waste of time and energy and only leads to frustration.
The same theory can be applied to relationships. If you aren't intentionally working to create opportuinty for relationships to begin or aren't intentionally taking part of an existing one, what's the point? It's like planting flowers but not giving them water and sunlight. This theory can easily apply to friendships, work relationships and love relationships.
So, how does this change what I will do tomorrow? Well, when my alarm chimes bright and early and I feel like going back to bed I am going to take a second in my sleepiness to think what would be the most effective use of my time. And, if I go back to bed and skip the gym then it was probably the right decision. Regarding relationships -- of the love, platonic and business kinds -- I am going to make a more intentional effort to make the people in my life feel important. Life is busy, but should never be too busy for this. I think it is being intentional in this way that will bring true love into my life. Who knows, maybe it's already here and it just needs a little water and some sunshine.
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