Monday, April 5, 2010

A Warrior in Training

Last year I challenged myself to complete a 5K run before the end of the year. In early December, dressed in a Santa suit along with thousands of other crazy Las Vegans I obtained my goal. I am naturally an over achiever and would have preferred to have ran the entire 3.1 miles but on that day I was proud that I finished. Since then I have continued working out and have even ran in two other 5K runs. The side benefit to accomplishing my goal is that I have lost 37 pounds since last August. And let me just say, there is no motivation like being able to fit into your skinny jeans fresh out of the dryer without even having to lay on the floor or jump up and down and do the tight pants dance!

I guess you could say that running 5Ks is my gateway sport! So, with my new found confidence in my athletic abilities I have been looking for new challenges to help me continue to lose weight but also (and more importantly) because I truly have enjoyed pushing myself to a new level. A few weeks ago one of my friends, who has also recently been searching for ways to pursue a healthier more balanced life, sent me a link for the Warrior Dash. I was hooked instantly. This is just what I need. The Warrior Dash is a 3.27 mile obstacle course that will test the fittest of athletes endurance and sense of adventure.From running to jumping through tires and climbing up ropes and over old cars and even jumping over fire,  there's very little the event creators left out. Each participant also receives a Viking helmet and a beer after completing the race. What more could I ask for, right? The best part is that there is Warrior Dash in my home state of Colorado this August. Perfect timing.

Today I  registered for the event and have declared myself a warrior in training. My friends think I'm crazy, but what's the point in living this life if we can't push the limits once in a while?

1 comment:

  1. Agreed! Sometimes pushing yourself is scary, but I would suggest that the most cherished memories/accomplishments we have are those that didn't come easy!
