Sunday, March 6, 2011

Fighting the Good Fight

Last year I lost 40 pounds. It was amazing. It was freeing. I not only felt in control of my life but I also felt comfortable in my own skin. Fast forward 12 months later to March 2011 and I find myself struggling to not put back on the weight I fought so hard to lose. Why does this happen? Why do we work so hard to get where we want to be to only live in that moment for a short amount of time? I can think of a million reasons why those pounds of fat keep finding their way back to my thighs. I'm in love. I love food. Life is busy. I have better things to do then workout. But these are just excuses. Every time there has been a major change in my life (relationships, career related, moving, etc.) I always tend to gain a few pounds, so the trick is catching those pounds before they stick permanently to my mid section.

There is more to this than just the weight or the vanity of the subject, it makes me wonder why it seems like perfection is fleeting. Or more accurately, why does it seem like happiness comes and goes so quickly? Is this human nature or is it just me?

I'm not exactly sure how to answer these question, and if I did I'd probably write a book not a blog about it! But in the meantime, I guess I will continue to fight the good fight when it comes to keeping my waistline small and my relationships healthy.


  1. A person told me once that our body clocks in regard to weight have to be reset for a period of three years to maintain a specific weight. So...the struggle is to stay your lower weight for three years or it will go back to what it's natural clock (size) is used to. That is depressing, but I tend to believe it because it did happen to me. Hang in there...

  2. Thanks for the insight, Mona. I have actually wondered if that was the case. I'm taking one day at a time and it seems to be working!
