Friday, September 11, 2009

Too Much Information?

Curiosity killed the cat and as it's going right now, will probably be the death of me. Let me start from the beginning. Over the holiday weekend I took advantage of eHarmony's "Free Communication Weekend" and was not impressed with the service. First, it takes hours (seriously) to complete the profile and when it was all said and done, I didn't feel like the profile was a true representation of me. And on top of that, all the steps required before you can have real email interaction with another person is utterly exhausting. You must request your potential mate to answer questions provided by eHarmony then they ask you to do the same. I never made it past this step. It was just too much work for very little information.

So, after much frustration and a lot of encouragement from my friends I renewed my long dormant account on I was originally going to wait until Oct. 10 and allow my friends to write my profile for me, but plans changed and it seemed silly to wait that long. Lucky for me the service still had my old profile on file so I didn't have to go through the entire process this time; I basically just needed to review and revamp what I am looking for in a mate. As I wrote a new blurb about myself I noticed how much more direct and aware I have become about my wants and desires compared to the last time I went through this process several years back. This of course is a good sign, a sign of growth and progress, however that brings me to the question I have been pondering for the last several days.

Is it possible to be too specific about who I am and what I am looking for in a potential date? Is there a such thing as too much information? And, I am not talking about revealing too many specific details about why I am the way I am, that can wait for at least the first date (just kidding). Seriously, what I mean is revealing specific information like religious views and the desire for marriage and family. Does this kind of thing scare men away? Let's just say, the responses I have received are not exactly overflowing my inbox, though men are at least looking over my profile. Part of me wants my profile to spark a mass amount of attention but the other part of me, the part of me that wrote it in the first place, thinks sharing this information will qualify a man making the chances of meeting the right person greater, though it may take longer (and, I guess, less profiles for me to weed through in the end).

What do you think --how specific should a person be when talking about themselves and what they are looking for in a mate on an online profile? Is there a more appropriate way to disclose such details?

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